Hey Ya'll

I'm Rachel.

I’m so glad you’re here.



An idol is anything you put before God. Nearly a year ago, I realized I had an idol.

I had allowed social media to overwhelm and own me. Maybe, it’s due to the influence of my generation of over-posters. Maybe, it was my own desires to be seen and loved by others.

Once I took a social media sabbatical, I found I had placed these programs on a pedestal. For about two weeks, I itched to know if I had any messages or what was happening in one of my favorite ‘friends’ lives. I had let social media consume so much of me, I didn’t realize that there was another way to connect.

Directly. God created us for relationship. While the idea behind social media is for connectedness, a sense of relationship and belonging is often lost. My desire to live my faith out loud, to boldly profess Jesus’ love, and provide a glimpse of hope into the lives of the hurting had been forgotten and lost.

When I put my phone down, I took less pictures but I enjoyed my experiences much more. I focused on loving others more and connected through text and good ole fashioned phone calls. I found my sense of self-worth less rooted in my following.

Now, I ask myself some questions: Am I opening Instagram before my Bible? Do I clock more hours on social media than in prayer? Do I think about my next post more than that scripture I’d read? Do I care more about the opinion of my followers or of my Savior?

If my answer is yes to any of the questions, I know I need to refocus.

Have you idolized something? Leave it in the comments:

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash



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How to Pray when in Doubt