Hey Ya'll

I'm Rachel.

I’m so glad you’re here.



Hey Y’all!

It’s been a minute since I’ve updated here on the blog. As you probably already know, since it’s number 1 on Amazon new releases, the new devotional is out NOW!

There has been very little that has been easy about this process. But every step of the way I had to let go of my will and simply obey the Lord.

I am constantly reminding my boys to obey.

Do they obey? Not always. They usually get hurt or get into trouble.

But how true is that of us when God, himself, commands us to do something?

I dragged my feet on several pieces of writing this devotional but ultimately He won the tug-of-war game we were playing.

Satan showed up and attacked on various occasions with illness and mental crisis but I continued to read God’s word and ask Him what He wanted from me.

There were two points in writing when even God seemed to be calling me away from the devotional and toward other things that needed to be priority.

And how do we know when it’s our own flesh, Satan or the Lord moving or pausing us? We read His word. The Bible speaks a lot about family and our responsibility to our immediate family and our spouses. He also speaks intuitively into pressing past our fears and presenting our burdens to Him. And He is very clear all throughout Scripture on what happens when we are disobedient.

And we can feel thankful that Christ carried every sin, every burden, every broken piece of us to the Cross and died for our salvation. We can be thankful that because of Him we have nothing to fear. We can be thankful because He is in control.

And there it is. How can I continue to be obedient? How can I continue to trust the Lord through trials and failures? Simply because, He is in control. I am not.

The devotional was never mine. The devotional has always been God’s work, His calling for me for this time.

I pray every word, ever scripture, every question jumps off the page and encourages or helps support a woman who needs to know the Lord more. Death, divorce, illness, abuse, and infertility are just a few of the stories you’ll read to remind you that only the One seated on the Throne is in control.

Photo by Rachel McDermott on Unsplash

Worry to Worship

Worry to Worship

