All tagged christain

Can grief and joy coincide?

Grief and joy are never far removed from one another. One emotion can easily access the other. Neither emotion is every far from your embrace. Yet, grief is a tightness in your chest. Grief is a crashing wave. Grief is lingering and heavy. Grief is the emotion we don’t want to experience, we are ready to be rid of it as soon as it sweeps over us and yet this unwelcome visitor persists. Unfortunately, and this is what the work of Christ teaches us, without grief we would not cherish joy.

In The End

I numbed my hurts and stuffed anger with music like "In the End" by Linkin Park and many others including songs from Simple Plan, Greenday, Sum 41, Blink-182, Good Charlotte, and Papa Roach just to name a few. I was that angsty teen that thought; "I've tried so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter." I actually wrote that on the walls of my closet.