Hey Ya'll

I'm Rachel.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Make a Choice

Make a Choice

Here is the hard and true fact, God gives us freewill.

He, our mighty Maker, allows us to choose.

Now, with all actions there will be a reaction. So, a bad choice will in turn have naturally disappointing consequences affecting you directly or indirectly. A good-intentioned choice will likely cause a chain reaction of other good circumstances.

God, the one who created the Heavens and the earth, the one who can control all things, the one who knows the beginning and the end has given each of us the right to choose.

This does not mean that God did not create an intentional design, because He did. He loves us so much that He knows what will give us abundant life, joy and peace and He reveals it to us in His word.

He offers us the solution to our problems. His Son came to save us from the bondage of our sins, from the error of our ways. Jesus died to offer us the free gift of salvation. All we have to do is accept it.

But you see, He didn’t force you to take salvation. He never forces His people, those He made in His image, to love Him or follow Him. He never coerces you away from sin, though He knows it only leads to death. He never bribes or manipulates you into choosing His design instead of your own flesh.

While, His design is best, He allows you to choose. So how do you make a choice that coincides with His design? You read His word. You pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with wisdom and discernment. You take to the Bible and not to the media, the government, your intuition or your friends enneagram information. You ask, “What does God say? What would Jesus do?”

Choosing God’s way isn’t necessarily the easy way. And if you do read the Bible, you will know that life is will be difficult no matter what you choose. There will always be disease, hardships, brokenness, and so many more complicated circumstances while we are here on earth. But take heart, Jesus has overcome. Life can be filled with hope when we follow Christ and not ourselves.

This life will have death but a life believing in Jesus’ resurrection and trusting in the Creator will result in new life without pain and sorrow. Some choices we make, choices we make for ourselves and our ‘happiness’, choices apart from God, will result in pain and heartache. But Jesus is in the business of restoration and when we choose Him and align our lives with His word we will have peace, reconciliation and growth.

He will never force you to choose His way. Do not be deceived by any ruling, law, or governing official that is apart from God. If you are feeling bullied, coerced, or manipulated to do anything- it’s not from God.

The Direction of the Lord

The Direction of the Lord

Worry to Worship

Worry to Worship